Rion Racing Pigeon Lactic Acid Eliminator 30ml Purple Chest Lactic Acid To Slow Fatigue Post-race Recovery Carrier Pigeon Nutritional
DescriptionTarget Pet : birdBrand Name : FGHGF[use] suit or mixed drinks, forced to fly, homing Lu Xun or game, or drip pigeons mouth 1 in 10 m | add a drop of drinking water, a bottle of more than 400 drops, 2-3 consecutive days.Anaerobic respiration causes lactic acid in the muscles of racing pigeons under high intensity flight conditionsMass accumulation to speed up post-match muscle recovery.

Rion Racing Pigeon Lactic Acid Eliminator 30ml Purple Chest Lactic Acid To Slow Fatigue Post-race Recovery Carrier Pigeon Nutritional
DescriptionTarget Pet : birdBrand Name : FGHGF[use] suit or mixed drinks, forced to fly, homing Lu Xun or game, or drip pigeons mouth 1 in 10 m | add a drop of drinking water, a bottle of more than 400 drops, 2-3 consecutive days.Anaerobic respiration causes lactic acid in the muscles of racing pigeons under high intensity flight conditionsMass accumulation to speed up post-match muscle recovery.