Terpenic Organic Cypress Essential Oil 30 ml of essential oil
Terpenic Blue Cypress Essential Oil has beneficial properties such as: decongestant, venous decongestant, lymphatic decongestant, Sudorific. It is an arboreal species of the family Cupresáceas native to the eastern regions of the Mediterranean. It is an evergreen tree with a height between 25 and 30 meters. Its leaves are presented in flake-shaped corsages, forming dense dark green foliage. The branches are thin with a matte dark green color and in its flowers we distinguish the masculine ones that are cylindrical with a yellowish tone and the feminine ones that form groups of small pine cones or gray cones. The seeds are found in the cones and have a long-lasting germination property. It is a tree of great longevity. The essential oil is obtained by distillation with steam entrainment from the branches with leaves. It is recommended to use: 5 drops Cypress + 3 drops Bourbon Geranium + 4 drops Katafray + 3 drops Himalayan Tuberose. On a base of 30 ml of Calophyllum oil or neutral gel, apply to the affected area 2 or 3 times a day. Do not use during pregnancy and lactation. ES-ECO-019-CT

Terpenic Organic Cypress Essential Oil 30 ml of essential oil
Terpenic Blue Cypress Essential Oil has beneficial properties such as: decongestant, venous decongestant, lymphatic decongestant, Sudorific. It is an arboreal species of the family Cupresáceas native to the eastern regions of the Mediterranean. It is an evergreen tree with a height between 25 and 30 meters. Its leaves are presented in flake-shaped corsages, forming dense dark green foliage. The branches are thin with a matte dark green color and in its flowers we distinguish the masculine ones...