Bach Flower Essences 07 - Chesnut Bud 20 ml of floral elixir
Bach Flower Chestnut Bud Original is for those who fail to learn from experience, and therefore do not progress in life. This elixir helps to take full advantage of everyday experiences, see ourselves and mistakes as others do. The positive Chesnut Bud personality observes its own mistakes with objectivity, and learns from each experience, acquiring knowledge and wisdom to be able to evolve in life. Mentally active, he also observes and learns from others. It is recommended in a simple preparation: dilute in a glass of water and drink in sips and at intervals; or add 2 drops to a 30 ml dropper bottle with water and take 4 drops at least 4 times a day. Compound preparation: It is recommended to add in a 30 ml bottle and take 4 drops at least 4 times a day. They have not been described. Store in a cool, dry place.

Bach Flower Essences 07 - Chesnut Bud 20 ml of floral elixir
Bach Flower Chestnut Bud Original is for those who fail to learn from experience, and therefore do not progress in life. This elixir helps to take full advantage of everyday experiences, see ourselves and mistakes as others do. The positive Chesnut Bud personality observes its own mistakes with objectivity, and learns from each experience, acquiring knowledge and wisdom to be able to evolve in life. Mentally active, he also observes and learns from others. It is recommended in a simple preparat...