Naturitas Organic Chlorella powder 150 g of powder
Chlorella Powder Chlorella powder, a supplement with multiple cleansing properties, as a detoxifier, chelator of metals and toxins, eliminates heavy metals and favors the proliferation of bacterial flora. Origin: China Benefits of Chlorella Chlorella is an algae that grows in fresh water. It is a microscopic alga with a unicellular structure and is characterized by containing the highest concentration of chlorophyll found in any other plant. Chlorophyll has the ability to attract heavy metals and other harmful substances in the body to itself and to eliminate them later, thus promoting the elimination of heavy metals from the body. It is also a natural source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, nucleic acids, amino acids and enzymes. According to different scientific studies, chlorella is very effective for the following reasons: It stimulates the immune system by increasing the production of interferon, which in turn activates macrophages. This action is supported by the great contribution of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Its beta-carotene content is very high, being helpful in cases of fibromyalgia. Due to its high percentage of B vitamins, in particular B12, it is highly recommended for people who follow a vegetarian diet, reducing the risk of anemia. Its high protein content makes it a good adjunct in vegetarian and weight control diets, calming the feeling of hunger and avoiding feelings of weakness or fatigue. Due to its contribution in chlorophyll, it is a natural detoxifier that helps eliminate toxins and chemicals from the blood. It improves the functioning of the digestive system, both in digestion and in the elimination of waste (very effective against chronic constipation) and useful in cases of ulcerative colitis. Increases the defenses in the abdominal cavity, helping to prevent gastric ulcer. Regular use of chlorella helps prevent heart disease, lower high blood pressure, and lower cholesterol. How to take chlorella powder? It is recommended that its consumption be between 6 to 10 grams per day. Powdered it is perfect to add to natural juices, water or smoothies. Store in a tightly closed glass container in a cool, dry and dark place. Be careful with humidity, it will make the product rancid. ES-ECO-019-CT Non-EU Agriculture

Naturitas Organic Chlorella powder 150 g of powder
Chlorella Powder Chlorella powder, a supplement with multiple cleansing properties, as a detoxifier, chelator of metals and toxins, eliminates heavy metals and favors the proliferation of bacterial flora. Origin: China Benefits of Chlorella Chlorella is an algae that grows in fresh water. It is a microscopic alga with a unicellular structure and is characterized by containing the highest concentration of chlorophyll found in any other plant. Chlorophyll has the ability to attract heavy metal...