Buster Keaton-our Hospitality
The Canfields and McKays are locked in a bitter feud, which Willie McKay has avoided while living in the city. During a trip to his old family home he meets Virginia and falls in love. However, after coming into her house he realizes she is a Canfield. Virginia's family wants to kill Willie, but their rigid social code prevents them from doing it while he's a guest in their home. Once he steps outside, however, it's a different story!

Buster Keaton-our Hospitality
The Canfields and McKays are locked in a bitter feud, which Willie McKay has avoided while living in the city. During a trip to his old family home he meets Virginia and falls in love. However, after coming into her house he realizes she is a Canfield. Virginia's family wants to kill Willie, but their rigid social code prevents them from doing it while he's a guest in their home. Once he steps outside, however, it's a different story!